Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dear Girlfriend: To the Atheist

Dear Girlfriend: My heart, my love go out to the atheist; for their hearts are so hardened to the truth. I pray for them, I really do. I pray that they will be enlighten before it is too late. Whe I look at a five year old child; and I see their first teeth has fallen-out; I know that soon they will receive new teeth. Only God, whose name is YahWeh, could have designed such a miracle. I've considered the complexity of a woman giving birth; that 'female' body receives a sperm; that sperms grows into a baby within her body; that baby lives, breathes, eates, BM's, etc. within the 'females' body for approximately 9 months; then exits that 'female' body throught the vagina...everything in order; everything precise; Only God could have designed such a miracle. How can you acclaim without shame that there is no God? Only a hardened heart cannot see God's hand with these complicated matters. Not to mention the complexity of the "brain"; Oh my goodness. How cand you deny God designed this magnificent organ? Not to mention the nervous system? Quite frankly, the entire body is miraculous system in itself. I will not even mention the functionings of the earth, the solar system, the atoms, and the neutrons. It is so sad that your heart is hardened and that you would rather believe in the ridiculous theories of the Big Bang and Evolution. Don't you know you look and sound like a Fool? Both theories has been proven to be false. You are intelligent; even if you do not believe in the Bible; the functionings on the earth shows you that a person of intelligence is its' designer. I know that you know the truth; you have a hardened heart which will not allow you to admit the truth. You would like to eliminate any thing that is of God; whereby you think that you will find solace; But you will not find solace; for deep inside of you is a soul. That soul is of God; you have suppressed the spirit within you for so long that you can not hear when HE talks to you; You suppress the voice of the spirit as people suppres anger. You will never be able to get away from your spirit...your soul; not until you die. So I will continue to pray for you, my atheist friend. I will pray for God to soften your heart so that you can see Him and hear Him. You don't have to be afraid; He is very loving and understanding. I will pray for your soul which will be lost if you do not repent and acknowledge your Maker. Your soul will burn in hell for eternity; I do not want that for you; God, YahWeh, does not want that for you; so, I will pray for you. YahWeh is not going to make you believe in Himself; he has given you the free will to do, say, and live as you wish; He doesn't want robots; He desires the love of His creation; but He is refuses to force you to love him. How would you feel if you had to force your children; your wife/husband to love or even to like you? Well, God feels the same. He said: I LOVE YOU BUT I WILL NOT FORCE YOU TO LOVE ME IN RETURN. YOU HAVE FREE WILL TO DO AS YOU WISH; BUT I YEARN FOR YOU TO RETURN MY LOVE.